Gone are the days of manual invoice data entry!

Peakflo’s AI-powered invoice OCR enables you to automatically capture every invoice detail with unlimited custom fields, while seamlessly organizing invoices and supporting documents in 41 languages!

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Peakflo’s invoice OCR software is a perfect fit for :

  • Globally operating organizations with a desire to centralize their procurement processes  across multiple locations.
  • Organizations processing large volumes of vendor invoices & supporting documents with multiple formats and from many sources
  • Procurement and AP teams focusing on agility & efficiency
  • Organizations using multiple tools or ERPs/accounting software to manage invoice data entry

What procurement & finance teams can achieve with Peakflo:


man-hours saved per month by Peakflo AI-powered invoice capture


man-hours per month saved by supporting file categorizing, capturing and validation


increase in productivity of AP teams

You send it, Peakflo captures it!

Vendors & customers often prefer using different channels to send their invoices, purchase requests or supporting documents, leading to fragmented and disorganized document capturing for finance teams.

Peakflo can consolidate and capture files via Email, WhatsApp, or API. Your finance team can also directly upload documents to Peakflo, streamlining the document capturing process.

You send it, Peakflo captures it!

Digitize, structure and export invoices hassle-free!

Finance teams often deal with invoices and documents that are not following a certain template. It can be a daunting task to go through unstructured invoices and tables and add each line item details manually in the accounting software.

AI-driven invoice structuring

Peakflo’s AI-driven invoice capture can scan unstructured documents and digitize them in seconds. The digitized files can also be exported as CSV, Excel or PDF.

Bank account detail check

Peakflo will automatically scan the bank account details and provides the option to the AP team to either find an existing match for the bank account or add the new bank account details. This will allow them to validate the new details with the vendor and avoid accidentally paying to wrong bank account.

Digitize, structure and export invoices hassle-free!

Say goodbye to categorizing documents manually!

Finance teams often struggle with the manual task of sifting through hundreds of attachments from different channels, to identify and classify each document into categories such as invoices, or supporting files.

Invoice and document classification

With Peakflo, you can automate this entire process and classify hundreds of attachments and supporting documents such as shipping lists with 50+ pages into predefined or custom categories in seconds!

Say goodbye to categorizing documents manually!

Capture any required custom field!

Extracting specific fields from invoices can be challenging. This is particularly true for organizations with thousands of invoices and several entities or business units. Accounts payable managers need to review each invoice to identify its corresponding zone.

AI-powered custom field mapping

Peakflo’s AI-powered invoice OCR can efficiently capture any custom fields required from your invoices, like the subsidiary name, license number, or zone. This allows the finance team to sort or filter invoices based on any custom field for maximum visibility.

Capture any required custom field!

Scan invoices from 41 languages!

International companies receive invoices issued in languages other than English. Language barriers often necessitate the use of translators to process these documents or lead to miscommunication with clients.

No language barriers for invoice capturing

Peakflo AI invoice OCR can scan invoices in 41 languages and accurately map any letter, word, number, or character to its respective field.

Scan invoices from 41 languages!

Automatically check contract details against invoices even without a purchase order!

Finance teams must meticulously review documents to verify that contract details align with invoice details, flagging any discrepancies. This process is often time-consuming and prone to errors.

AI-powered Compliance check

With Peakflo AI invoice OCR, your finance team can eliminate the manual process of verifying contract and invoice details. Peakflo will automatically check and flag any discrepancies, ensuring accuracy and saving time.

Automatically check contract details against invoices even without a purchase order!

Make your vendor invoices highly dynamic!

Need to have the utmost control over your bills? Define rules based on bills, bill line items, and even custom fields to ensure all the bill details are correctly added.

Automate inventory to line item matching

Eradicate any issues with misspelled and mismatched line items and make line items unified to your database and inventory.

Mandatory and optional fields

With rules, you can include mandatory or optional fields bills, or bill line items and collect all the information needed before sending the bill for approval.

Need to make your bills more dynamic? Simplify purchase request and bill creation even further by allowing employees to access what they need.

Automate bill approvals with Peakflo!

To streamline your invoice approvals and keep track of the audit trail, create approval levels based on invoice amount and assign approvers to each level from team members to any C-levels and department heads.

To streamline your invoice approvals and keep track of the audit trail, create approval levels based on invoice amount and assign approvers to each level from team members to any C-levels and department heads.

3 way matching made easy with Peakflo!

Protect your company against manual efforts of detecting overpayments, under deliveries and fraud with accurate three way matching!

Protect your company against manual efforts of detecting overpayments, under deliveries and fraud by automating two way and three way matching!

Centralize communications for a crystal clear Audit Trail!

From the invoice timeline, your finance team can easily check the bill and vendor details and track the approval process at a glance.

Notify and communicate with all the stakeholders!

Keep all the stakeholders in the loop and communicate in one place with Peakflo. Get timely notifications and easily reply and collaborate with your co-workers.

Notify stakeholders when canceling or deleting a bill

In case a bill needs to get canceled, leave a reason and allow the stakeholders to get informed.

Leave notes and comments

Instead of using different messaging apps and emails to communicate, easily "tag" your co-workers and ask them questions.

From the bill timeline, easily check the bill and vendor details and track the approval process at a glance.

Success Stories

Connect your Accounting Software/ERP to Peakflo

Turbocharge your accounting software with Peakflo or import your data seamlessly.

Integrate and leverage the power of automation without affecting the way you work.

Get Started!

Import your CSV/XLSX

Connect through Peakflo API/ SFTP

Streamline your invoice capture now!

Request A Demo


  • Can I import my bills into Peakflo manually?
  • Can I create bills in Peakflo?
  • Can I integrate my ERP/accounting software with Peakflo?
  • What is OCR?
  • How does Peakflo capture invoice details?
  • Is Peakflo OCR accurate?
  • Does Peakflo offer customization options for invoice templates and fields?
  • How accurate and confident is the invoice OCR for handwritten invoices?
  • Can PO-to-invoice matching be done automatically without human interference?
  • How does tax calculation work for e-invoicing (billing)?
  • Can our company and our vendors add e-signatures and e-materai to invoices?
  • We have many departments in the company, can Peakflo receive invoices from each of the departments?
  • Can we create an invoice without matching it to the PO as well?