Say goodbye to scattered procurement processes!

Create customizable purchase requisitions, purchase quotes, and purchase orders and get them approved automatically with Peakflo!

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Peakflo’s procurement software is a perfect fit for:

  • Globally operating organizations with a desire to centralize their procurement processes across multiple geographies.
  • Organizations processing large volumes of PRs and PQs per month in different formats.
  • Procurement and AP teams focusing on agility & efficiency.
  • Finance teams using multiple tools to manage their procurement processes.

What procurement & finance teams can achieve with Peakflo:


man-hours saved per month for every 100 PRs raised


Time saved per month by centralizing the procurement process

Create purchase requisitions effortlessly!

If your procurement team is dealing with large numbers of purchase requisitions submitted through Google Forms or emails which could get lost and overlooked, it’s time to centralize the whole process with Peakflo.

Assign PRs to budgets

With Peakflo's real-time budget management, you can assign your PR to a specific budget and access real-time budget tracking.

Line item management

Easily manage all your line items, choose from a list of pre-defined line items or create line items without extra hassle.

Instead of submitting purchase requests on Google forms or email which could easily get lost and overlooked, create your purchase requests in a centralized space easily.

Customize your purchase requests and purchase orders!

There will be no limitation for your company to add customized fields based on your unique requirements. Add any type of custom field required to make purchase request creation a breeze.

Use custom fields to quickly filter PR/POs

Have full visibility over your purchase requests and purchase orders by adding each custom field to the overall purchasing view.

Enforce easy compliance

Easily make certain custom fields mandatory to ensure compliance according to your purchase process.

There will be no limitation for your company to add customized fields based on your unique requirements. Add any type of custom field required to make purchase request creation a breeze.

Automate the purchase request approval!

If your finance and procurement team are getting purchase requests approved manually through spreadsheets, Google Forms, or emails, it’s time to streamline all your approvals with Peakflo’s approval automation!

If you are getting purchase requests approved manually through spreadsheets, google forms or emails, it's time for you to automate your PR approvals.

Send purchase quotes to multiple vendors in one go!

After the purchase request is fully approved, the PR will automatically turn into a purchase quote and the procurement team can share it with multiple vendors to get the best quotes.

Attach the PQ PDF to the email

Attach the purchase quote details to the email with just a click!

Personalize your messages

Tailor the right message for your vendors and allow Peakflo to auto-fill information for you with placeholders

Loop in all the stakeholders

Add the right stakeholders as CC or BCC in all your communications. Keep track of vendor quotes and choose the right one! Where to place:

Send purchase quotes to multiple vendors in one go!

Allow Peakflo to highlight the best vendor quote for the procurement team!

All your vendor quotes will be recorded in the Peakflo timeline and based on the vendor quote pricing, Peakflo will analyze and highlight the best price!

Bidding matrix report

Based on the bidding matrix report, Peakflo will automatically compare the vendor quotes line item amount to the purchase request line item amount and highlight the most reasonable price(s).

Reply to vendors directly

With a single click, reply to vendors and centralize your communications

Send purchase quotes to multiple vendors in one go!

Create purchase orders effortlessly!

Once the purchase quote is fully approved, convert the purchase quote to purchase order with a click! The purchase order will automatically match to the purchase order.

Download purchase quotes as PDF

Download the purchase quote PDF and share it with vendors, suppliers, or stakeholders directly if needed.

Once the purchase quote is fully approved, convert the PQ to PO with just a click. The PQ is automatically matched to the PO.

Assign viewers to specific purchase orders with rules!

Automate assigning stakeholders to specific purchase orders by creating rules. Only specific viewers can see the purchase orders that are assigned to them. This will ensure vendor-based visibility to the relevant users in your team.

Automate assigning stakeholders to specific POs by creating rules. Only specific viewers can see the the POs that are assigned to them. This can help with more efficient and faster PO approvals.

Approve and add e-signatures to your purchase orders!

Purchase order approvers can instantly check and approve purchase orders. After the purchase order has been approved, with their consent, their e-signatures will be added to the purchase order automatically.

Perform bulk Actions

Approve, void, delete, and return POs in draft in one go

Track e-signs from the timeline

From Peakflo’s timeline, track the signatory, signed date, time, and approval

PO approvers can instantly check and approve POs. After the PO has been approved, with their consent, their e-signatures will be added to the PO automatically.

Centralize all your communications and keep track of the audit trail!

From the Peakflo timeline, easily check the vendor details and the approval process. Your AP and procurement team can also track all the changes and communications at a glance.

Tag colleagues, leave notes and comments

Easily “tag” your co-workers and ask them questions. Keep all the stakeholders in the loop and communicate in one place with Peakflo whether returning to draft, canceling or voiding a PR/PO.

Automatically send the POs to vendors after approval through email or WhatsApp

Choose “automatically send to vendor after approval” and bypass the process of sending purchase orders to vendors manually.

From the PQ timeline, easily check the PQ and vendor details and track the approval process at a glance.

Automate purchase order to bill matching!

Manual purchase order matching in your accounting software can be a counterproductive activity for your finance team. With Peakflo, the purchase order will automatically match the bill and your finance team doesn’t need to deal with such repetitive tasks anymore.

Flag amount mismatch

Peakflo automatically flags if there is mismatch for the PO and bill amount.

Flag price mismatch

If the line item prices are mismatched, Peakflo can automatically flag the issue for easier corrections.

Automate purchase order to bill matching!

Success Stories

Connect your Accounting Software/ERP to Peakflo

Turbocharge your accounting software with Peakflo or import your data seamlessly.

Integrate and leverage the power of automation without affecting the way you work.

Get Started!

Import your CSV/XLSX

Connect through Peakflo API/ SFTP

Streamline your procurement process today!

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Featured On


  • How can I create purchase requests/purchase quotes in Peakflo?
  • How can I create purchase orders?
  • How can I automatically get my PRs and PQs approved in Peakflo?
  • How can I centralize all my communications in Peakflo?
  • Can I integrate my accounting software with Peakflo?